Prevent applications to start automagically after boot. - Microsoft Community

 whenever shutdown computer, if i'm running microsoft's software (edge, internet explorer, excel, word, visual studio, sql management studio, name it), when start computer back, every application start automagically, annoying, first because computer needs more time usable, , second, because of times, shut down computer in office, , boot @ home, , don't want open sql server or visual studio @ home.
 but happens microsoft applications, can run discord, steam, uplay, that's not coded/distributed microsoft, , won't startup.
 i'm in fast ring of windows insider, i'm assuming feature being tested. read changelogs of last 2 months, , there's not single mention of feature, nor way disable it.
 is going through similar situation? there anyway disable behavior?

thanks in advance

hello, see if can previous build settings > update & security > recovery > go previous build. also, provide feedback regarding windows team via feedback hub. regards.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows Hello, lock screen & sign-in / PC


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