BSoD and RSoD crashes - Microsoft Community

i use desktop pc wondows 10 pro, motherboard asus m5a87 r2, cpu amd fx 8350 , gpu amd radeon hd 7800.

i've experienced bsod events couple of months since week these crashes become frequent i'm ready give pc gaming. i'm having rsod crashes , times pc doesn't give crash screen turns off. i've tried looking issue time , based on info find (and understand) issues tend come malfunctioning gpu. updating , drivers didn't @ though. below i've listed seem important logs event viewer. please me fix problem!


dcom 10016 error    mon dec 18 04:24:43 2017 description event id 10016 source dcom cannot found

bugcheck 1001  error    mon dec 18 04:24:22 2017 description event id 1001 source bugcheck cannot found


perflib 1008  error    mon dec 18 04:02:28 2017 description event id 1008 source perflib cannot found. either component raises event not installed on local computer or installation corrupted. can install or repair component on local computer.

application error 1000  error    mon dec 18 02:41:41 2017 faulting application name: mmc.exe, version: 10.0.16299.15, time stamp: 0x5098c662  faulting module name: mfc42u.dll, version: 6.6.8063.0, time stamp: 0x7550a442  exception code: 0xc000041d  fault offset: 0x000000000000a37a  faulting process id: 0x10c8  faulting application start time: 0x01d3779db9597cf9  faulting application path: c:\windows\system32\mmc.exe  faulting module path: c:\windows\system32\mfc42u.dll  report id: 251e6920-1247-4f89-b85b-1e0fb2316b4a  faulting package full name: ?  faulting package-relative application id: ?

application error 1000  error    mon dec 18 02:41:38 2017 faulting application name: mmc.exe, version: 10.0.16299.15, time stamp: 0x5098c662  faulting module name: mfc42u.dll, version: 6.6.8063.0, time stamp: 0x7550a442  exception code: 0xc0000005  fault offset: 0x000000000000a37a  faulting process id: 0x10c8  faulting application start time: 0x01d3779db9597cf9  faulting application path: c:\windows\system32\mmc.exe  faulting module path: c:\windows\system32\mfc42u.dll  report id: acf56b35-171d-4976-8826-124a678544ff  faulting package full name: ?  faulting package-relative application id: ?

.net runtime 1026  error    mon dec 18 02:41:38 2017 application: mmc.exe framework version: v4.0.30319 description: process terminated due unhandled exception. exception info: exception code c0000005, exception address 00007ffb802da37a stack:
atierecord 16387 error    mon dec 18 01:28:30 2017 description event id 16387 source atierecord cannot found. either component raises event not installed on local computer or installation corrupted. can install or repair component on local computer.

microsoft-windows-system-restore 8303  warning! thu dec 14 23:22:01 2017 scoping unsuccessful shadowcopy \\?\globalroot\device\harddiskvolumeshadowcopy3 error 0x80070057.

atierecord 16387 error    wed dec 13 23:44:06 2017 description event id 16387 source atierecord cannot found. either component raises event not installed on local computer or installation corrupted. can install or repair component on local computer.

wlclntfy 6004  warning! wed dec 13 20:47:12 2017 winlogon notification subscriber <trustedinstaller> failed critical notification event.

perflib 1008  error    wed dec 13 20:23:38 2017 description event id 1008 source perflib cannot found. either component raises event not installed on local computer or installation corrupted. can install or repair component on local computer.


check amd/ati support, online docs , drivers, diagnostics, , ask in forums known issues. update video drives.

amd/ati - support , driver - search

get catalyst drivers here

ati - forums

ati - support , drivers


troubleshoot blue screen errors <-- read link

we can analyze minidumps if make them available onedrive
or other file
sharing sites (such mediafire). if have problems uploading
minidumps copy them desktop or documents folder , upload
them there.

one-drive - share files , folders , change permissions

upload photos , files

zip or upload contents of c:\windows\minidump

use onedrive upload collected files

hope helps.
rob brown - microsoft mvp <- profile - windows , devices it : bicycle - mark twain said right.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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