Wifi adaptor problem - Microsoft Community

since yesterday internet on laptop has been slow (until mpre on later). sure wasn't slow wifi because speed on phone sweet. went device manager hoping disabling , enabling driver of wifi adaptor might work. surprise under network adaptors category, wan miniports missing. selected 'show hidden devices' , wan miniports reappeared( 8 wan miniports , microsoft wi-fi direct virtual adaptor #2). when click on properties, under device status says "currently, hardware device not connected computer. (code 45) fix problem, reconnect hardware device computer." after reading this, remembered left laptop facing upside down on day , since wifi started getting slow. maybe got disconnected then. anyways dunno happened speed medium. able stream youtube in full hd before i'm able stream in 720p many video pauses. lemme know if there's can do.

type troubleshoot in start search, open troubleshoot, run hardware, internet , wireless troubleshooters. 

compare wireless driver installed in device manager latest on pc or adapter model's support downloads webpage.  other methods here trace driver know have latest:   updating driver. - microsoft community.

uninstall wireless device drivers in device manager , restart pc reinstall them. 

feel free ask questions , let know how goes.  i'll keep working until it's fixed.

Windows / Windows 10 / Network & internet / PC


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