Keyboard not working on Cortana and Edge, any idea why? - Microsoft Community

effectively, cannot use microsoft edge or related devises cannot type. microsoft sent me message try solve problem couldn't respond to it because opened in edge!

***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***


an outdated device driver can possible cause issue. suggest checking website of laptop manufacturer , try download latest version of laptop keyboard driver , check if issue fixed.

update outcome can provide further assistance.

hi robert,

i sorry, wrong. keyboard working in chrome, office, games , on. windows startup, edge , cortana in trouble. if driver couse, , many ms suggest, not work @ all!

so, here solution, silly, works.

enter in command prompt (you win + r) , type c:\windows\system32\ctfmon.exe every time start windows.

if still have more traces of dos in windows show how execute in startup, itself. made in windows start menu, not working, obviously there runs later , reverses it. remind there no problem enter password windows user.

i feel bad write sharp response you, son working in ms too. windows huge os ,  is not easy fix problems, not simple think. there many people me similar problem.

please answer me question: go around building , ask people how make program run after everything windows need loaded, automatically. 

have nice day.


Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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