i5 7200U stuck at 0.38Ghz - Miix 720 12IKB - Microsoft Community


i bought computer in february, , running smooth (except backcam non recognized @ 5mpx @ 2.09mpx) regarding cpu wasn't problem.

that until creator update hits.

my problem simple. cpu stuck @ 0.36ghz whatever do, playing game watching film ot else..i suddently noticed when happened because system did same things did in 5-6 times slower way. happened in middle october.

i updated bios form lenovo, updated drivers lenovo too. uptaded drivers windows update hoping a  solution..nothing. used tool drivereasy check lastest driver available not showing on windows update, after checking matching drivers manually istalled newer version if available.. problem persisted.

that until first days of november when big update "x64 widnows compatility something.." shown on windows update, istalled it, , system running fine again.

this update modified energy management erasing anergy profiles, setting new configuration long bar can choose between high saving , max performance.

to avoid further problem disabled windows update in services , system fine... or @ least hope 10 days ago without update during normal use, processor 0.38 ghz.. same symptoms..

re-enabled windows update, deploying last drivers lenovo too, didn't once again.

i'm using pc @ 0.38 , jump in past when using windows 98.

according throttlestop problem multiplyer stuck @ x4 whetever takes, if cpu temp 34 degree.

disabling "db prochot" affect cpu , mutiplyer come x31.

but isnt permanently solution because everytime computer go sleep or switch off screen have re-launch progroma , doing disable db prochot again.

morover program not affect boot time in witch cpu fixed @ 0.4 boot time six-seven time slower usualy was. here shots

doing cpu stress test intel tool leads same results without disabling db prochot

how can solve issue? it's annoying using pc way.


since mentioned computer's speed unexpectedly dropped 0.38 ghz while using computer normally, happening due hardware anomaly.

we recommend having computer checked manufacturer's service technicians can find , fix hardware-related errors.

additionally, concern requires advanced troubleshooting commonly answered in our technet forums suggest posting issue there.

let know if have other concerns computer.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


  1. take out your laptop's battery, wait maybe 10-15seconds and re-insert it. Some users online have claimed this works (for me too).

    I would like to clarify this, in order for this to work, unplug the power cord from the laptop and remove the battery from the laptop. Next thing you will want to do is try to boot the Laptop whilst you do not have an battery or power cord attached, this will reset the CMOS. On a desktop you would be able to easily remove the CMOS battery, but I don't suggest to fiddle with this on your new laptop. When the CMOS is reset the laptop will boot with factory instructions rather than the instructions it has in its memory.


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