Windows 10 does not recognize external drives - Microsoft Community

i have 2 external drives i've been using backup surface pro 3 on year.  today, windows 10 not recognize either drives backup purposes.

- diskmgmt.msc shows both drives "healthy" , partition

- device manager shows both drives working properly

- devices can seen under control panel>hardware & sound>devices & printers

- both devices can been seen when go eject them 


- neither devices show in windows explorer

- neither devices recognized windows backup tool. cannot find "any usable drive". cannot add drive because can't find "any usable drive"

- i've uninstalled devices under disk manager. rebooted. , added them in.  still cannot see devices under explorer or @ windows backup.

-windows 10 has latest updates

-all device drivers updated

help!  thanks in advaance

please use snippingtool.exe create snapshot of disk manager, attach snapshot reply.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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