Sound Stopped Working - Microsoft Community

i moved pc room , sound no longer working. i'm pretty sure cords plugged same spots have been, can't figure out causing issue. whenever troubleshoot sound issues list of these issues, , can't find way resolve problems: when have try troubleshoot headset 'no jack information available' says "audio services not responding" went services , restarted windows audio, didn't help . system tray claims have no speakers or headphones plugged in: . when go playback devices shows ones have plugged in, options set default grayed out: . have reinstalled sound drivers , have tried bunch of other random stuff found on internet, i'm out of ideas. appreciated.


there might corruption experienced in audio drivers when moved windows 10 computer different room causing sound stop working.

for information , steps on how resolve issue sound, can refer anup karkal's post on link.

if have other questions, don't hesitate reach out.


Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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