Scheduled tasks run with elevated privileges can't access stored - Microsoft Community

it seems after creators update scheduled tasks run elevated privileges ('run highest privileges' option) can't access stored windows credentials. bug or intentional change , there recommended workaround? 

here's 1 way reproduce behaviour:

  1. start credential manger , add windows share credentials.
  2. in console window type 'cmdkey /list', should list added credentials
  3. create task in task manager:
    • trigger: on user logon
    • action: run cmd.exe
    • tick 'run highest privileges' option
  4. reboot machine , log in
  5. in console window (let's call 'console 1') opened scheduled task type 'cmdkey /list'. won't display credentials added in step 1 , listed in step 2. -> this looks bug
  6. now, without closing 'console 1' open console window administrator (let's call 'console 2') , type 'cmdkey /list'. list credentials added in step 1.
  7. switch 'console 1' , type 'cmdkey /list' again. time credentials listed properly, unlike in step 5. looks access windows credentials somehow 'unlocked' step 6.

hi marcin,

your concern best handled our other forum. we suggest post concern in our technet  forums have experts more knowledgeable these kinds of issues.


Windows / Windows 10 / Network & internet / PC


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