windows 10 mouse bug help try number 2 - Microsoft Community

this submitted first time tried assisted issue:

i have had bug twice mouse won't work anymore first time bug got point corrupted motherboard , fried had motherboard 2 years before got forced windows 10 update , worked fine. after update computer started slowing down , started having mouse bugs , no matter did couldn't fix it. bought brand new motherboard ram , processor , downloaded windows 8  try use instead since os prefer again forced me update 10 because  drivers needed 10. hoping bugs fixed since hadn't seen them since 2016 nope still there , doesn't tech support microsoft useless in helping me on phone got point swore googling half crap trying do. had no idea issue was. , barely spoke english had trouble understanding him as couldn't understand me. in end got no issue , refuse reset of computer since that's messed first time had issue. doesn't matter usb port plug mouse work in bios second windows startup happens shuts off mouse wont let me use ps/2 port. has been bug going on 3 years , still hasn't been fix whats hold bug that's big of issue. , windows in 1 of operating systems can run half of stuff want play. had gotten new setup 4 days ago and @ risk of being destroyed bug that's been @ large past 3 years microsoft developers decided on look.

this response got microsoft employee didn't read had written:


thank bringing our attention. encourage submit issue using feedback hub. can either vote on existing submission or submit new issue. when submit feedback item gather additional details , information issue determine what’s causing , address it. feedback items regularly receive microsoft responses on submissions in feedback app can see doing feedback. please revisit see status of feedback items. 
for more information on feedback hub, see our support article and youtube video

in order submit new feedback, please follow these steps: 
1. on windows 10 device, search “feedback hub” in cortana search, launch app. 

2. navigate to feedback in left menu, press + add new feedback. 
3. select the problem, , share details think relevant, , choose appropriate category , subcategory. 
4. important: if possible, reproduce problem(s) after clicking begin monitoring (or start capture) near end of form; stop monitoring when you’re done. 
5. once you’ve completed form , monitoring, click submit. 
6. click continue using feedback hub. 

7. click my feedback at top, find item submitted (it may take while appear). 
8. open item submitted, click share. 
9. click copy link, paste link here in response (it like<unique link>). 

should have further questions, please not hesitate us. we're here help.

now have tried post response employee , haven't gotten , reply yet assist me issue. starting become annoyed constant wall put in path fix computer. appreciate if next microsoft responds doesn't copy , paste random response question , respects me actual conversation real human , not robot.

***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***


we encourage update first thread created same issue you're having mouse. great if can keep our forums clean , organized posting 1 message community can focus on.

for more of dos , don'ts in forum, please check out microsoft community code of conduct.

for further queries topic, feel free post back.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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