Refresh rate/resolution issue after installing the creators - Microsoft Community

installed windows 10 creators update try new forza 7 demo. ever since update, unable tv play @ 2560x1440 60hz. resolution , refresh rate used time before installing update. whatever reason, windows lets me set refresh rate on 30hz when choose 2560x1440 resolution. however, if change resolution 3840x2160 windows lets 60hz fine. i've tried installing , reinstalling drivers several times no avail. it's worth noting windows doesn't recognize "generic pnp monitor". nvidia control panel recognizes though. lastly, windows says recommended resolution 1920x1080, incorrect since it's 4k tv. disabling game bar , or game mode did not either.


possible reason concern software conflict. suggest performing clean boot start pc minimal set of drivers , startup programs determine causing conflict.

we'll keep eye out reply.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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